Carver Stories: Bailey, 7 years old


Describe your favorite memory at Carver Summer Camp

“Camp is my favorite memory because we get to go on fun field trips like Lake Compounce, Skyzone, Maritime Aquarium, and swimming. My favorite field trip is when we go to Lake Compounce because of the water rides.”

Who is your role model?

“My friends are my role models. They support me.”

What do you want to be when you grow up?

“Well, I want to be a teacher because they help kids learn. The teachers at Carver and at my school make me want to be a teacher.”

Describe an accomplishment that you’re proud of

“I’m proud of doing well on Prodigy and learning stuff on Prodigy. There’s math questions, and it’s really fun.”

Describe Carver to someone who doesn’t know what it is

“You have lots of fun here: you get to go outside, and after school, you can go outside or do all your homework, and you also get to play in the gym.”